
22 Years of age


22 Years Old


What is the best thing to do in the short life that God has given us? I think we should enjoy eating , drinking and working hard . This is what God intends us to do . – Ecclesiastes 5:18

Today is the day I celebrate 22 years of my life.As much as I love the idea of celebrating my birthdays , it has always came with so much anxiety. It’s a time that forces me into deep introspection and reflection of my life.

I’m at a point in life where I feel so much stagnation , and they’ve been a couple of times I’ve made desperate decisions. I’ve always put myself under the pressure of having an accomplishment that would make my birthday worth celebrating. I had chosen to base my life’s happiness on what I can achieve and have forgotten to enjoy and appreciate yet another year being added to my life. I have forgotten that my tomorrow is not guaranteed .

A fresh start isn’t a place , it’s a mindset

Today being a new day for me ,I choose happiness and peace of mind. I choose to trust my journey.i choose to appreciate every new day and rejoice in His blessings. I choose to laugh and enjoy working towards my dreams with calmness in my heart, I choose to share the love in my soul..

All at the end , a life well spent is what matters!

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